Convert Columns

The Convert Columns node enables users to change the type of the given column. This is useful if you've performed some type of data manipulation on a column.

Connect the Convert Columns node to the relevant table, and locate the required column in the Convert Columns window.

Type: click the drop down and select the required type.

Format String: use this option to input a date format -for example yyyy MM dd. This option is enabled only when the selected type is Date, Date Time, or Time. Click the Format String header to view information about date formatting.

Default: you can add a default value in case the column contains rows whose type can't be changed. For example, you may be changing a column type to integer. If there are some rows containing a string, rather than an integer, they will be assigned the given default value.

In the example below, a String Left node was added to the table, and a new column created based on the left 3 characters from the Phone column. To convert the new column to integer, the Convert Columns node was added.